Photo by Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2022
The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) applauds the leadership of the House of Representatives – especially Speaker Scott Saiki and Finance Chair Sylvia Luke – for its commitment on Opening Day of the 2022 Legislative Session to appropriate $600 million to increase housing opportunities for beneficiaries on the waitlist of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act. Such an historic investment would go a long way to help the State of Hawaiʻi fulfill its trust obligations to native Hawaiians that it agreed to accept in exchange for statehood. This bold and long-overdue legislative proposal has the potential to help thousands of native Hawaiians recover from the economic hardships of the pandemic and realize their dream of raising an ʻohana in their own home in their kulāiwi (the lands where their ancestors’ are buried).
CNHA looks forward to working with members of the House and Senate, the Governor, our CNHA members, the Native Hawaiian community and the broader public to bring this legislation to fruition.
View the Civil Beat article “House Plans To Commit A ‘Historic’ $600 Million To Hawaiian Homelands”